// $Id: views_slideshow.js,v 2010/07/01 03:29:08 redndahead Exp $ /** * @file * A simple jQuery SingleFrame Div Slideshow Rotator. */ /** * This will set our initial behavior, by starting up each individual slideshow. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsSlideshowSingleFrame = function (context) { $('.views_slideshow_singleframe_main:not(.viewsSlideshowSingleFrame-processed)', context).addClass('viewsSlideshowSingleFrame-processed').each(function() { var fullId = '#' + $(this).attr('id'); var settings = Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowSingleFrame[fullId]; settings.targetId = '#' + $(fullId + " :first").attr('id'); settings.paused = false; settings.opts = { speed:settings.speed, timeout:parseInt(settings.timeout), delay:parseInt(settings.delay), sync:settings.sync==1, random:settings.random==1, pause:false, allowPagerClickBubble:(settings.pager_hover==1 || settings.pager_click_to_page), prev:(settings.controls > 0)?'#views_slideshow_singleframe_prev_' + settings.vss_id:null, next:(settings.controls > 0)?'#views_slideshow_singleframe_next_' + settings.vss_id:null, pager:(settings.pager > 0)?'#views_slideshow_singleframe_pager_' + settings.vss_id:null, nowrap:parseInt(settings.nowrap), pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { var classes = 'pager-item pager-num-' + (idx+1); if (idx == 0) { classes += ' first'; } if ($(slide).siblings().length == idx) { classes += ' last'; } if (idx % 2) { classes += ' odd'; } else { classes += ' even'; } var theme = 'viewsSlideshowPager' + settings.pager_type; return Drupal.theme.prototype[theme] ? Drupal.theme(theme, classes, idx, slide, settings) : ''; }, after:function(curr, next, opts) { // Used for Image Counter. if (settings.image_count) { $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_image_count_' + settings.vss_id + ' span.num').html(opts.currSlide + 1); $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_image_count_' + settings.vss_id + ' span.total').html(opts.slideCount); } }, before:function(curr, next, opts) { // Remember last slide. if (settings.remember_slide) { createCookie(settings.vss_id, opts.currSlide + 1, settings.remember_slide_days); } // Make variable height. if (settings.fixed_height == 0) { //get the height of the current slide var $ht = $(this).height(); //set the container's height to that of the current slide $(this).parent().animate({height: $ht}); } }, cleartype:(settings.ie.cleartype == 'true')? true : false, cleartypeNoBg:(settings.ie.cleartypenobg == 'true')? true : false } // Set the starting slide if we are supposed to remember the slide if (settings.remember_slide) { var startSlide = readCookie(settings.vss_id); if (startSlide == null) { startSlide = 0; } settings.opts.startingSlide = startSlide; } if (settings.pager_hover == 1) { settings.opts.pagerEvent = 'mouseover'; settings.opts.pauseOnPagerHover = true; } if (settings.effect == 'none') { settings.opts.speed = 1; } else { settings.opts.fx = settings.effect; } // Pause on hover. if (settings.pause == 1) { $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_teaser_section_' + settings.vss_id).hover(function() { $(settings.targetId).cycle('pause'); }, function() { if (settings.paused == false) { $(settings.targetId).cycle('resume'); } }); } // Pause on clicking of the slide. if (settings.pause_on_click == 1) { $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_teaser_section_' + settings.vss_id).click(function() { viewsSlideshowSingleFramePause(settings); }); } // Add additional settings. if (settings.advanced != "\n") { var advanced = settings.advanced.split("\n"); for (i=0; i<advanced.length; i++) { var prop = ''; var value = ''; var property = advanced[i].split(":"); for (j=0; j<property.length; j++) { if (j == 0) { prop = property[j]; } else if (j == 1) { value = property[j]; } else { value += ":" + property[j]; } } // Need to evaluate so true, false and numerics aren't a string. if (value == 'true' || value == 'false' || IsNumeric(value)) { value = eval(value); } else { // Parse strings into functions. var func = value.match(/function\s*\((.*?)\)\s*\{(.*)\}/i); if (func) { value = new Function(func[1].match(/(\w+)/g), func[2]); } } // Call both functions if prop was set previously. if (typeof(value) == "function" && prop in settings.opts) { var callboth = function(before_func, new_func) { return function() { before_func.apply(null, arguments); new_func.apply(null, arguments); }; }; settings.opts[prop] = callboth(settings.opts[prop], value); } else { settings.opts[prop] = value; } } } $(settings.targetId).cycle(settings.opts); // Start Paused if (settings.start_paused) { viewsSlideshowSingleFramePause(settings); } // Pause if hidden. if (settings.pause_when_hidden) { var checkPause = function(settings) { // If the slideshow is visible and it is paused then resume. // otherwise if the slideshow is not visible and it is not paused then // pause it. var visible = viewsSlideshowSingleFrameIsVisible(settings.targetId, settings.pause_when_hidden_type, settings.amount_allowed_visible); if (visible && settings.paused) { viewsSlideshowSingleFrameResume(settings); } else if (!visible && !settings.paused) { viewsSlideshowSingleFramePause(settings); } } // Check when scrolled. $(window).scroll(function() { checkPause(settings); }); // Check when the window is resized. $(window).resize(function() { checkPause(settings); }); } // Show image count for people who have js enabled. $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_image_count_' + settings.vss_id).show(); if (settings.controls > 0) { // Show controls for people who have js enabled browsers. $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_controls_' + settings.vss_id).show(); $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_playpause_' + settings.vss_id).click(function(e) { if (settings.paused) { viewsSlideshowSingleFrameResume(settings); } else { viewsSlideshowSingleFramePause(settings); } e.preventDefault(); }); } }); } // Pause the slideshow viewsSlideshowSingleFramePause = function (settings) { //make Resume translatable var resume = Drupal.t('Resume'); $(settings.targetId).cycle('pause'); if (settings.controls > 0) { $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_playpause_' + settings.vss_id) .addClass('views_slideshow_singleframe_play') .addClass('views_slideshow_play') .removeClass('views_slideshow_singleframe_pause') .removeClass('views_slideshow_pause') .text(resume); } settings.paused = true; } // Resume the slideshow viewsSlideshowSingleFrameResume = function (settings) { $(settings.targetId).cycle('resume'); if (settings.controls > 0) { $('#views_slideshow_singleframe_playpause_' + settings.vss_id) .addClass('views_slideshow_singleframe_pause') .addClass('views_slideshow_pause') .removeClass('views_slideshow_singleframe_play') .removeClass('views_slideshow_play') .text('Pause'); } settings.paused = false; } Drupal.theme.prototype.viewsSlideshowPagerThumbnails = function (classes, idx, slide, settings) { var href = '#'; if (settings.pager_click_to_page) { href = $(slide).find('a').attr('href'); } return '<div class="' + classes + '"><a href="' + href + '"><img src="' + $(slide).find('img').attr('src') + '" /></a></div>'; } Drupal.theme.prototype.viewsSlideshowPagerNumbered = function (classes, idx, slide, settings) { var href = '#'; if (settings.pager_click_to_page) { href = $(slide).find('a').attr('href'); } return '<div class="' + classes + '"><a href="' + href + '">' + (idx+1) + '</a></div>'; } // Verify that the value is a number. function IsNumeric(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789"; var IsNumber=true; var Char; for (var i=0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } /** * Cookie Handling Functions */ function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } /** * Checks to see if the slide is visible enough. * elem = element to check. * type = The way to calculate how much is visible. * amountVisible = amount that should be visible. Either in percent or px. If * it's not defined then all of the slide must be visible. * * Returns true or false */ function viewsSlideshowSingleFrameIsVisible(elem, type, amountVisible) { // Get the top and bottom of the window; var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var docViewLeft = $(window).scrollLeft(); var docViewRight = docViewLeft + $(window).width(); // Get the top, bottom, and height of the slide; var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top; var elemHeight = $(elem).height(); var elemBottom = elemTop + elemHeight; var elemLeft = $(elem).offset().left; var elemWidth = $(elem).width(); var elemRight = elemLeft + elemWidth; var elemArea = elemHeight * elemWidth; // Calculate what's hiding in the slide. var missingLeft = 0; var missingRight = 0; var missingTop = 0; var missingBottom = 0; // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the left. if (elemLeft < docViewLeft) { missingLeft = docViewLeft - elemLeft; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the right. if (elemRight > docViewRight) { missingRight = elemRight - docViewRight; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the top. if (elemTop < docViewTop) { missingTop = docViewTop - elemTop; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the bottom. if (elemBottom > docViewBottom) { missingBottom = elemBottom - docViewBottom; } // If there is no amountVisible defined then check to see if the whole slide // is visible. if (type == 'full') { return ((elemBottom >= docViewTop) && (elemTop <= docViewBottom) && (elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop) && (elemLeft >= docViewLeft) && (elemRight <= docViewRight) && (elemLeft <= docViewRight) && (elemRight >= docViewLeft)); } else if(type == 'vertical') { var verticalShowing = elemHeight - missingTop - missingBottom; // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((verticalShowing/elemHeight)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (verticalShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } else if(type == 'horizontal') { var horizontalShowing = elemWidth - missingLeft - missingRight; // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((horizontalShowing/elemWidth)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (horizontalShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } else if(type == 'area') { var areaShowing = (elemWidth - missingLeft - missingRight) * (elemHeight - missingTop - missingBottom); // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((areaShowing/elemArea)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (areaShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } }